Minor addition/ alteration works refer to the erection or removal of internal fittings in buildings that also include adjustments to fire protection systems. However, the definition does not cover the partitioning of spaces into different sections. The works should only involve the specific materials stipulated in the Fire Code. Nevertheless, there are many reasons for conducting minor addition/ alteration works on buildings including improving fire protection and eliminating safety hazards.
Building owners planning minor addition/ alteration works on their premises are required to apply for approval by the SCDF before the commencement of the projects. However, the applications must be submitted only by Qualified Persons acting on behalf of the building owner or occupants. At Fire Safety Singapore, we offer professional minor addition/ alteration works application consultancy services to help you ensure the successful approval of your project without any delays or complications.
The Essentials of Minor Addition/ Alteration Works Application
Although minor addition or alteration works on buildings usually seems like simple procedures that do not warrant much restriction, they could also create significant safety threats if not done to standard. Therefore, the SCDF, through the Fire Code and fire safety regulations Singapore has set out stringent regulations for performing such activities that must be adhered to. For compliance and safety, plans for the works must be submitted to the SCDF for approval.
The Fire Code outlines the precise criteria for minor A & A works. The criteria mainly points out the specific kinds of works that can be approved as minor addition/ alteration. Our first job is to help you determine the particular works that should be included in the final plan submitted for approval. To make the process easier for you, our consultants will properly assess the building and the proposed works to clearly define the areas to be addressed in the project.
Generally, the proposed works should not affect escape routes and systems, raise the floor systems, increase the floor areas and change the usage of the space. Besides, the works should not be in contravention with the Fire Act and SCDF fire safety regulations. Our consultants have a better understanding of the Fire Code and SCDF regulations to ensure that your proposed minor A & A works meet the set requirements.
The key areas of compliance emphasized include site or location plan, detailed floor plans, comprehensive layout of the addition/ alteration, sectional plan of the expected works and details of partitions. Besides, the plan submitted for approval should also bear the sign of a Qualified Person certifying that the proposed A & A works are compliant with the Fire Safety regulations. If necessary, we will also send a team of IRs to properly inspect the building to ascertain compliance before endorsing the plans.
The plans for minor addition/ alteration works should be submitted to the SCDF for endorsement within 21 days of completing the project. Our consultants will help you to prepare the plans and submit the application within the stipulated timeframe. The application is submitted online with a lodgement fee of $90, which we can conveniently do on your behalf. After sending the application, it is also important to do follow ups to make sure it is being processed.
Having helped many businesses with minor addition/ alteration works applications over the years, we know the best tricks to help you get approval without a lot of complexities. Since we also provide professional fire safety protection testing and inspection, we will make sure that your proposed A & A works are done to the best standards that will significantly improve safety on the building and, also meet the regulations of the Fire Safety Act.
Minor Addition/ Alteration Works Application Consultancy Singapore
Making a successful minor addition/ alteration works application can be a great challenge if you do not clearly understand the requirements and procedures involved. It could take a lot of your time and effort and, still fail to get the desired approval. Instead of going through all the stress, let us help with your application for minor addition/ alteration works.
Besides offering expert advice, we can also conveniently prepare and submit the application on your behalf with a guarantee of success. Simply talk to us for professional help with minor addition/ alteration works application Singapore.
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